
Sunday, May 26, 2013

My writing :D

Techniques For Better Classroom Discipline
Maintaining good order in classrooms is one of the most difficult tasks which is faced by a teacher. Many disruptive behaviors in the classroom become serious discipline problems. Teacher should consider some effective way for dealing with classroom disruptions of almost any shape and size. Some effective classroom practices in teaching process are essential to maintain classroom control. Therefore, teacher requires some techniques to establish effective control of the classroom discipline. There are three techniques for better classroom discipline, such as focusing,monitoring, and warning.
One of the technique for better classroom discipline is focusing. This technique means that teacher will demand student’s attention before he/she begins. Teacher should unsure he/she has the attention of everyone in his/her classroom before he/she starts his /her lesson. Teacher can not attempt to teach over the chatter of students who are not paying attention. Teacher sometimes thinks that by beginning his/her lesson, the class will settle down.  However, the students may think that the teacher doesn’t mind talking while they talk. They get the idea that teacher accepts their inattention and that it is permissible to talk while teacher is presenting a lesson. It means that teacher should wait and not start until everyone has settled down. In consequence, the teacher should know that silence on their part is very effective. The teacher will punctuate his/her waiting by extending it 3 to 5 seconds after the classroom is completely quiet. After that, teacher could begin his lesson using a quieter voice than normal. Therefore, the focusing technique will help teacher to make students to sit in order to hear what teacher says in quieter classroom.
Another technique for better classroom discipline is monitoring. The key of monitoring technique is to circulate with the purpose of check on student’s progress and provides individualized instruction as needed. While the students are working, teacher should around the room. An effective teacher will make a pass through the whole room about two minutes after the students have started a written assignment. The teacher checks the students’s progress by ensuring that each student has started, that the students are on the correct page, and that everyone has put their names on their papers. Teacher also provides individualized instruction as needed. For example, guiding the students to understand the material or giving an order to the students if they are in some difficulties to do their assignments. The teacher also needs to make general announcements if he/she finds that several students have difficulty with the same thing. However, the teacher should use a quiet voice so that his/her students will appreciate his/her personal and positive attention. Thus, the monitoring technique is useful for the teacher to handle students’ problems in the classroom directly.
A third technique for better classroom discipline is warning. For this technique, teacher requires warning to control the classroom.  Teacher can use verbal or written warning. Verbal warning should not be delivered across the classroom. The teacher moves in close to the student and lets him know what teacher is expected to do. For example, if student is sitting sideways in his/her chair and keeps messing with things on another student’s desk, the teacher approaches the student and asks the student to turn around in your seat and get on with his/her assignment. Besides verbal warning, the teacher can also use written warning. Written warning are even more effective. The warning step makes student realizes his/her fault and remember it. Placing a slip on the student’s desk keeps it much closer to the student where he/she is less likely to forget and get into trouble again. It is important that the student has possession of the slip and that he/she realizes that he/she is the one in control of it. Just as he/she is in charge of the infraction slip, he/she is also in charge of his own behavior. This helps the student learn to take ownership for his own actions. When the slip is in the hands of the teacher or his/her name is on a board far away, it is too easy to think that the situation is in someone else’s hands. Therefore, this technique is the best way to discipline the students. It will help teachers to warn students in appropiate way.
In brief, some techniques, such as focusing, monitoring, and warning are needed to control the students’ discipline.  These techniques should be implemented by the teachers for better classroom discipline. It will help teachers to apply the effective control in the classrooom. However, I believe that teachers should contribute to the effective control in the classroom and decide the best way for better classroom discipline.

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