
Sunday, May 26, 2013

Common UK Expressions & Slang

This first group of common UK expressions & slang are greetings and words in everyday language.
  • Ace - brilliant, which means very good
  • All right? - Hello, how are you?
  • Barmy - mad or crazy
  • Best of British - good luck
  • Bite your arm off - overly excited to get something
  • Blast - an exclamation of surprise
  • Blimey - an exclamation of surprise
  • Blinding - fantastic
  • Blinkered - narrow- minded
  • Bloody - used to emphasize almost anything, also bleeding or blooming
  • Blow me - means something like I am so surprised you could knock me over just by blowing, “knock me down with a feather"
  • Bob's your uncle - that's it!
  • Bollocks - it literally means testicles but describes something that is no good
  • Bomb - really expensive, really well, or really fast
  • Bottle - courage
  • Brill - short for "brilliant"; cool.
  • Budge up - move over and make some room.
  • Bum - your bottom
  • Bung - throw it, bribe
  • Camp - gay or effeminate behavior, camp it up - dress in drag
  • Cheeky - flippant
  • Cheerio - friendly way of saying goodbye
  • Chivvy along - hurry up!
  • Cobblers - rubbish
  • Cock up - a mistake
  • Cor - expression of surprise
  • Cracking - the best
  • Crikey - expression of surprise
  • Do - a party
  • Doddle - cinch, easy
  • Dodgy - not to be trusted
  • Dog's bollocks - really fantastic
  • Duff - useless, junk, trash
  • Dull - boring
  • Engaged - busy
  • Fagged - bothered
  • Fancy - desire
  • Fanny around - procrastinate
  • Fit - good looking or tasty
  • Flog - sell
  • Flutter - a bet
  • Full monty - the whole thing
  • Full of beans - lots of energy
  • Gander - look around
  • Getting off - making out, kissing, etc.
  • Give us a bell - call me
  • Gobsmacked - amazed
  • Gormless - clueless
  • Grub - food
  • Hard lines - bad luck
  • Hiya - hi there, hello
  • Horses for courses - to each to his own
  • Hunky-dory - cool, no worries
  • I'm easy - I don't care, it's all the same to me
  • Jolly - very
  • Kip - nap
  • Knees up - dance, party
  • Knock up - wake someone up
  • Leg it - run, run for it
  • Mate - friend
  • Naff - uncool
  • Not my cup of tea - not to my liking
  • Nowt - nothing
  • Nut - to head butt someone
  • Off your trolley - bonkers, crazy, mad
  • On about - talking about
  • Owt - anything
  • Peanuts - cheap
  • Posh - high class
  • Potty - a little crazy, looney
  • Quite - absolutely
  • Read - your major at school
  • Right - very
  • Ring - calling someone on the phone
  • Rubbish - trash, garbage
  • Rugger - short for rugby 
  • Smart - refers to the way you are dressed
  • Smashing - terrific
  • Snog - making out, getting off
  • Sorted - fixed a problem
  • Stonking - huge
  • Swotting - to study hard, cram
  • Ta - thanks
  • Taking the biscuit - out-do everything else, takes the cake
  • Waffle - to talk on and on about nothing
  • Watcha - Hi
  • Wobbler - tantrum
  • Wonky - shaky or unstable
  • Zonked – exhausted

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