
Tuesday, May 28, 2013


"Now boys," said the teacher, "tell me the signs of the zodiac. You first Tommy."
"Taurus, the Bull."
"Right. Now you Harry, another one."
"Cancer the Crab."
"Right again. Now Sammy it's your turn."
The boy looked puzzled, hesitated a moment and then blurted out, "Mickey the Mouse!"
Teacher: "Give me a sentence with an object."
Pupil: "You're very beautiful, teacher."
Teacher: "What's the object?"
Pupil: "A good grade!"
Question: "What is a Hot Dog?"
Answer: "A Hot Dog is the noblest of all dogs, because it feeds the hand that bites it."
Teacher: Can you tell me one year and the number of tons of coal shipped out of the United States in that year?
Student Raises his hand: "Yes, I can. The year is 1498 and there the number of tons is zero!"

Teacher: What is Neoplatonism?
Student: That's easy. Strawberry, Chocolate and Vanilla Ice Cream in layers

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